Emergency Drinking Water Tablets

Emergency Drinking Water Germicidal Tablets are intended for emergency disinfection of drinking water

* Not to be used on a continuous basis. For short term or limited emergency use only. *

When used as directed, they make most water bacteriologically suitable for drinking

Quantity: 50 Tablets

Net Weight: 6 g (o.21 oz)

Treats up to 25 quarts


SKU: 7620

Product Description

  • Active Ingredient: 16.7% Tetraglycine Hydroperiodide
  • Each Tablet Contains 6.68% Titratable Iodine
  • Shelf Life: 4 years from manufacturer date, unopened; 1 year from date of opening, or if tablets start to dis-colour
  • Easy to use
  • No unpleasant taste
  • Iodine-based compound, no chlorine

Storage & Disposal:

  • Store in a cool dry place
  • If empty: Nonrefillable container.  Do not reuse or refill this container.  Recycle if available for empty bottle disposal.
  • If partly filled: Call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions.


  1. Add 2 tablets to 1 quart or litre of water and cap loosely to allow a small amount of leakage.
  2. Wait 5 minutes.
  3. Shake container to allow screw threads on the closure to be moistened, then tighten cap.
  4. Wait 30 minutes before drinking.
  5. Recap bottle tightly.  Keep Tablets dry.